5 Donation Page Essentials To Increase Fundraising in 2021
Your nonprofit donation page can either increase fundraising or be its own barrier. Make sure you’re not missing out on these donation page essentials.
Joseph is a leading expert on nonprofit fundraising & crowdfunding. He started Crowd101 which is one of the first educational blogs on crowdfunding and fundraising and is widely recognized as an expert on these topics.
Your nonprofit donation page can either increase fundraising or be its own barrier. Make sure you’re not missing out on these donation page essentials.
Your donors are on a journey with your nonprofit. From the moment they first hear about your organization throughout their entire engagement, the relationship between your nonprofit and its donors grows and develops. Intentionally growing those relationships is crucial for hitting the targets outlined in your fundraising plan. Acquiring new donors requires understanding what attracted […]
Nonprofit professionals spend a lot of their time looking for new ways to raise money and enhance their fundraising efforts. From developing new fundraising ideas to hosting your next event, you work hard to earn the funds you need to back your mission. But how often do you stop to consider the implications of your nonprofit finances […]
As a fundraising professional, you already know the value of donor data. The more you know about your donors, the better you can engage with them and create targeted marketing content. This is key to developing donor relationships and setting up the stage for future fundraising efforts, including crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraisers, and capital campaigns. Due […]
When you think of corporate giving, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? It might be matching donations. And that’s totally fair! Matching gifts are one of the most common forms of corporate giving. But when it comes to other corporate giving programs, there’s one program that tends to fall by the wayside. And […]