An image showing three volunteers collecting litter to recycle on the right and the title of this post on the left.

Sustainable Fundraising: 3 Nonprofit Recycling Fundraisers

Nonprofit professionals are constantly seeking fresh new fundraising ideas to garner enough monetary support to power their purpose. However, for environmentally-focused organizations, it can be difficult to balance the need for fundraising and the waste that fundraising events produce. Even if your nonprofit doesn’t specifically deal with environmental issues, prioritizing sustainability and eco-friendliness is still a valuable […]

The title of the post - "How to Host a Dog Wash Fundraiser in 5 Simple Steps" - next to a photo of a dog being groomed.

How to Host a Dog Wash Fundraiser in 5 Simple Steps

You’ve likely heard of a car wash fundraiser, where volunteers wash cars to raise money for a charitable cause. But what about a dog wash fundraiser? A dog wash fundraiser is an easy and unique spin on the car wash, perfect for supporting animal-related causes. Instead of washing cars, volunteers will pamper four-legged friends! In […]

Learn all the ins and outs of corporate matching gifts!

Corporate Matching Gifts FAQ | Your Questions, Answered

In the dynamic landscape of nonprofit fundraising, an avenue that often remains underutilized—to the tune of $4 to $7 billion each year⁠—is corporate matching gifts. But as more and more companies continue to recognize the importance of giving back to their communities, the opportunity continues to grow. That means now is the perfect time to […]

The title of the article next to an image of a stack of books and a graduation cap.

3 Tools to Boost Higher Education Fundraising Results

Higher education institutions rely on fundraising to give their students the best experience possible. Whether you need to pay for scholarships, renovate campus buildings, or fund your athletic programs, raising funds from your community of donors and alumni is the answer. But to raise funds efficiently and reach your fundraising goals, you need the right technology. […]

This image of young people on their phones captures the idea of engaging Gen Z with text-to-give to raise more for your nonprofit.

Engaging Gen Z with Text-to-Give: Tailoring Your Approach

Your nonprofit is always on the lookout for ways to expand your pool of loyal supporters. You might have millennials and older generations’ support, but have you considered tapping into the power of Generation Z and welcoming the newest generation of change-makers into your community? Gen Z, with their digital savviness and passion for change, […]