“Strategies to Boost Results for Your Small Business”

4 Strategies to Boost Results for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you’ve taken a leap by investing your money into a product or service that you believe in and think your community would appreciate. But even after a successful launch, there is no time to rest. In the United States, 33.3 million businesses qualify as small, making up 99.9% of all […]

The title of this article over an image of two businessmen having a conversation.

3 Tips to Stand Out When Starting Your Small Business

All organizations want to stand out within their respective verticals—nonprofits want to show why they deserve donations to fuel their work, zoos and aquariums want to establish themselves as the premier animal education and research organizations, and businesses want to prove that their products or services are the best. With 33.3 million small businesses in […]

How to Start a Corporate Giving Program: Steps for Companies

How to Start a Corporate Giving Program: Steps for Companies

Corporate philanthropy is an ever-growing trend across just about every business industry. More and more companies are getting involved in order to better engage with their employees, elevate their brand reputations, and make an overall positive impact on the world around them. If that sounds like you, you might be interested in learning more about […]

how to make a business plan

How to Make a Business Plan and Bonus Free Business Plan Samples

Use this guide on how to make a business plan and free business plan samples to get your business idea started and ready for funding Whether you already have a business or just an idea, a business plan is essential. Even if you’re not considering raising money for your business, a plan will help you […]