Here are the top corporate giving statistics your nonprofit should know.

Key Corporate Giving Statistics Your Nonprofit Should Know

If your nonprofit has been around for a bit, you probably know what corporate giving is. But have you done everything you can to leverage the multiple corporate giving programs out there?

In a nutshell, corporate giving programs range from matching gifts to volunteer grants to other programs in which companies financially support the nonprofits their employees care about.

Corporate giving programs can be a huge source of revenue for nonprofits, but many organizations don’t tap into this form of corporate philanthropy. Seems crazy, right? But a lot of this is due to a lack of awareness around where donors work or how to get donors to start the process.

But make no mistake: the impact is huge. That’s why here at Crowd101, we’ve put together some of the top corporate giving statistics your nonprofit should know about. There’s a lot your team might be missing out on in terms of fundraising revenue, so hopefully our perspective can help you out!

1. Key Corporate Giving Statistics

Here are some key corporate giving statistics.

The top 10 corporations give more than $2 billion each year in cash to nonprofits.

Approximately $5 billion is raised annually through workplace giving.

51% more people donated through corporate purpose programs in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and racial injustice.

Overall participation in employee giving, volunteerism, and other positive actions increased by 23% in 2020.

79% of companies have reported increased donor participation rates and 73% have raised more money.

90% of companies indicate that partnering with reputable nonprofit organizations enhances their brand, while 89% believe partnering leverages their ability to improve the community.

88% of companies believe effective employee engagement programs help attract and retain employees.

Despite offering the programs, only 19% of companies include more than one paragraph on their matching gift programs in easily accessible employee handbooks, training materials, or their website.

2. Top Matching Gift Statistics

If you're looking for more corporate giving statistics, check out these matching gift statistics!

Approximately $4-7 billion in matching gift funding goes unclaimed each year.

In 2021, 65% of Fortune 500 companies offer matching gift programs.

91% of companies match donations at a 1:1 ratio.

1 in 3 donors say they would give a larger gift if a match was applied to their donation.

Higher matching gift caps yield higher employee engagement.

Without automation, 78% of donors are unaware if their company offers a matching gift program.

16% of donors know their company has a matching program, but are unsure if they’re eligible or don’t know how to submit their matching gift request.

8% of donors understand that their company has a matching program, they’re eligible, and know how to submit their matching gift request.

Approximately $2-3 billion is donated through matching gift programs each year.

11% of total corporate cash contributions to nonprofits are made through matching gift programs.

Automation (such as through Double the Donation’s 360MatchPro platform) increases matching gift revenue for nonprofits by 61%.

97% of matching gift employees prefer their company to match gifts made directly to a nonprofit or through a workplace giving software platform, rather than just the latter. Providing employees with additional options ensures greater levels of participation in these programs!

3. Corporate Volunteerism Statistics

Corporate volunteerism statistics are another big part of corporate giving statistics.

In 2021, 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grant programs.

Almost 60% of companies offer paid time off so their employees can volunteer.

82% of companies report that their employees want to be able to volunteer with their peers in a corporate-related event.

Company volunteerism strategies prioritize company-sponsored volunteer projects that encourage employees to work with their peers.

About 77 million Americans (30% of the adult population) volunteer their time, talents, and energy to making a difference.

Over the past 15 years, Americans have volunteered 120 billion hours, which is estimated to be worth $2.8 trillion.

4. Other Corporate Philanthropy Statistics

Here are some other corporate giving statistics you should know.

85% of the top matching gift companies also offer volunteer grant programs.

Corporate giving to address the COVID-19 pandemic totaled $9.4 billion in 2020.

58% of Americans consider a company’s social and environmental impact when deciding where they want to work.

88% of millennials say their job is more fulfilling when they’re given opportunities to make a positive impact on social and environmental issues.

86% of companies believe employees expect them to offer opportunities to engage in the community, and 87% believe their employees expect them to support causes and issues that matter to those employees.

73% of companies prefer to have deeper partnerships with a smaller number.

Employees who participate in corporate giving programs tend to have 75% longer tenures with the company.

Special thanks to Double the Donation for their assistance in compiling these statistics.

Additional Corporate Giving Resources

We hope these stats helped you see the impact corporate giving can have on your organization! If you’re looking for more information on the subject, we’ve handpicked some helpful resources below:

Learn more about corporate giving with our matching gifts guide!