Volunteer grant facts your organization needs to know

8 Volunteer Grant Facts Your Organization Needs to Know

Volunteer grants are a popular form of corporate funding for nonprofit organizations. Specifically, these programs are a type of employee or workplace giving, where a company’s employees play a key role in funneling corporate revenue toward the causes they care about. In this case, an employee simply volunteers with a nonprofit and requests a subsequent […]

Learn four best practices for nonprofit donor communication in this guide.

4 Best Practices for Nonprofit Donor Communication

Most nonprofits receive funding from a variety of sources, including grants, investments, event revenue, and corporate sponsorships. But the bulk of nonprofit revenue comes from individual donations, which is why your organization likely spends more time working to bring in these contributions than any other type of funding. Supporters are most likely to donate when […]

Explore these powerful church fundraisers to raise more money for your church!

15+ Top Church Fundraising Ideas to Empower Your Ministry

Your church is a pillar of the community, working to uplift the lives of residents, support humanitarian aid, and administer critical social and religious services. Of course, to keep up all of these different responsibilities, your church needs funding, which many ministries struggle to raise. Fortunately, fundraising doesn’t have to be a stumbling block for […]

Boosting Your Advocacy Campaign's Engagement: 4 Strategies

Boosting Your Advocacy Campaign’s Engagement: 4 Strategies

Your supporters lead busy lives, and successfully asking for them to engage with and support your campaign can be a challenge. While many people who participate in your campaign might be more casual supporters who come and go, your advocacy group should consider methods for attracting and maintaining a dedicated supporter base to keep your […]

Top Ways to Use Donor Data to Stand out to Your Supporters

4 Ways to Use Donor Data to Stand Out to Your Supporters

Did you know that, according to fundraising research, more than 69% of the population gives to nonprofit causes? That’s great! But as a fundraising professional, you want those donor dollars to be directed toward your organization⁠—not the other charity down the road or even the organization working halfway across the world. There’s no doubt that […]