Check out these school fundraising ideas that will help support your students!

School Fundraising Ideas: 22 Ideas to Support Your Students

The kids and teens in your schools deserve to have additional opportunities for enrichment and excitement outside of the classroom. This is a simple fact that all educators agree on. But the reality of implementing extracurricular programs and activities in which students can become involved is not so simple. Every program, activity, or event that […]

Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign

Planning your Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign

Planning your Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign starts today with these steps for pre-launch and campaign management. It’s just about six weeks from Giving Tuesday, the international day of giving, and just enough time to start putting together your Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign. The day follows Cyber-Monday in the United States and is on December 1st […]

Crazy Fundraising Ideas to Steal

Go Ahead! Steal These 7 Crazy Fundraising Ideas!

Sometimes it helps to get a little crazy with your fundraising. Steal these seven crazy fundraising ideas to make an impression With small business funding and fundraising moving increasingly online, I get emails regularly questioning if offline fundraising ideas are even worth it anymore. Campaigns reason that their crowdfunding campaign is online and that’s where […]

real estate crowdfunding patch of land

Real Estate Crowdfunding Just Got Easier with Patch of Land

Jason Fritton of Patch of Land shares his insight on real estate finance and how the company is opening up the market for real estate crowdfunding through its peer network of investors. My first real job was as a commercial real estate agent just after getting out of the Marine Corps. Besides being on the […]

basic crowdfunding social media strategy plan

How to Build a Basic Crowdfunding Social Media Strategy

Launch a campaign without a basic crowdfunding social media strategy and risk being one of the many that fail to reach their goal. We’ve talked about using social media for crowdfunding in the past but have yet to work through a basic crowdfunding social media strategy from start to finish. We’ll walk through a basic […]