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How Union Management Software Can Transform Your Operations

Between communicating with employers, organizing events for members, and managing your finances, it’s no secret that a union manager’s job can quickly become unwieldy. That’s why unions need software that can not only support their current daily priorities but also long-term growth. 

However, not all union management software solutions are created equal. Each platform has different strengths, features, and pricing that may or may not align with your union’s needs.

When you know which areas of union management software can help you streamline, you can make a list of features to prioritize, simplify the buying process, and find the best union software for your organization. In this guide, we’ll review these areas so you can take your union’s operations to the next level with the right tools. Let’s dive in! 

1. Data Management

Though the data types each union collects might vary, every union must keep its information secure, organized, and accessible. Overflowing, chaotic filing cabinets don’t cut it anymore! Therefore, the most efficient way to manage your data is with robust software solutions made for information maintenance.

For example, common data management features you might find in leading union management software solutions include:

  • Stakeholder data profiles. Similar to a CRM for nonprofits, union management software can allow you to create profiles for each member, employer, or other stakeholder so you can easily find and leverage the information you need. 
  • Customizable information fields. From food service to health to education, unions cover a wide range of industries and employers that need to collect different information. That’s why customizable data fields are so crucial—they allow you to collect only the most relevant information for your union. 
  • Central data synchronization. Some union management software solutions have multiple modules for different functions, such as financial management or event planning. The most robust solutions automatically sync information across solutions, preventing harmful data silos and giving your team the full picture at any given moment. 
  • Facilitated data hygiene. Even if you’re aware of data hygiene best practices, it can take time to integrate them into your workflow properly and might slip through the cracks altogether. However, 360MatchPro suggests using software solutions that do the hard work for you, such as flagging duplicate records or automatically standardizing entered data.

2. Stakeholder Communication

Even the smallest unions’ managers receive many messages per day via numerous channels. Keeping up with them is imperative, not to mention creating and sending your own communications. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to rely on the postal service and manually set reminders to manage your communications any longer. Union management software can help you improve your communications by:

  • Schedule-sending messages. Have you ever forgotten to send a time-sensitive message to your stakeholders due to your busy schedule? Communicate with peace of mind by schedule-sending pertinent messages through your management software.
  • Sending messages via multiple platforms. Your stakeholders are always on the go. Make sure they’re always in the know by using software that can send messages via text, email, push notifications from mobile apps, and other preferred channels.
  • Segmenting messages. With so many different stakeholder groups, there’s no need to flood their inboxes with messages that don’t concern them. Segmentation allows you to send communications to groups based on shared characteristics. For example, you might send payment reminders only to members who haven’t paid yet.

3. Dues Collection

Chances are, your union’s main source of income is your member dues. So, leveraging efficient dues collection and financial management features can greatly simplify your daily operations. To do so, keep an eye out for features like these:

  • Online payment processing. Paying dues instantly online is easier for you and your members, especially if payroll deductions are in jeopardy. Provide your members a similar sense of security by offering a safe place for them to input their card details. Then, you won’t have to wait for mailed checks to get to your mailbox.
  • Member-facing payment portals. Empower your members to customize their payment processes based on their preferences with a member-facing portal. For example, UnionWare offers MemberLink, a user-friendly portal that allows members to set the payment date, type, and more to make the experience as simple as possible.
  • Batch processing. Dues are regular payments by design, meaning you have to process upwards of thousands of payments on a monthly basis. Software that allows you to process batches helps you keep your workload under control.

4. Event Planning

Much like associations, unions host a variety of events for their members to build community, provide professional development opportunities, and more. However, you might have hundreds of members to account for at a given time, meaning you need tools to help you keep track of every odd and end. Event management software allows you to:

  • Register attendees with built-in forms that sync with your membership database
  • Assign roles to different members of your team so everyone knows their expectations
  • Collect admission payments and record important details to member profiles
  • Automatically recommend different schedules based on everyone’s availability 

5. Financial Management

Besides collecting dues, your union has many other financial activities to take on. Here are some of the ways software can support your financial management:

  • Budget tracking and forecasting so you can make data-driven financial decisions
  • Reporting and analytics so you can easily envision where you stand relative to your goals
  • Audit materials so you can remain in compliance with financial standards and regulations
  • Integration with accounting software so you can add detail to your reports
  • Past report storage so you can save and reference old reports when planning for the future

Now that you know how management software can enhance your union, you’re probably eager to get started! Be sure to leverage any free trials or demos and read third-party reviews so you can rest assured that your choice is perfect for your union.